Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Looking Back: Canvas by Instructure

As this school year comes to a close, I find myself already thinking about what I did this year that was successful and how I will do things differently next year. The title of this blog, "Looking back and thinking ahead" reflects the constant effort to evaluate and improve on each lesson, trying to make mathematics clearer to my students. Technology continues to play a large role in my ever changing and improving classroom.  So what I am I looking back on this year? To begin with, my implementation of the school's newly adopted Learning Management System (LMS) for middle and upper school,  Canvas by Instructure.  Learning the new system was challenging, but in the long run I grew to love Canvas since it offers a flexible format that can be easily customized with discussions, polls, video comments, mathematical equations, and much more.  I chose to customize my site using the Pages option. The home screen provided links to important information my students needed. Looking ahead to next year,  I will continue to organize my Canvas site in this format, I plan to investigate more features of the LMS's features.

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